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Femmes in Hell: the least expected day

Images: Justin Britton It’s sometimes hard to believe that Paris-Roubaix Femmes is just three years old. The racing is so epic and the stories it produces so many and varied that each edition of the race feels like several days’ worth of action. The first two editions saw victories...

To the sun, two the seas: a week of two races

There’s something about this week, every year, in cycling that makes me shiver. The thrill of opening weekend has subsided and the adrenaline rush of the major classics is yet to come. It’s too soon to give any real credence to the relative form of riders and yet...

One week in February…

February. Ah, February, grim bastion of winter, stubborn oppressor of warmth and merciless purveyor of the darkness, we beseech thee… give us something to smile about? And lo, February delivered. Bike racing, by the bucketload, and it wasn’t half bad. Remember when February used to consist of a few...

Snapshots from the Tour

The bigger the race, the longer it takes me to reflect upon the events that came to pass. The Tour de France is the biggest race of the year, and there are always myriad stories to tell, from the individual moments that capture the imagination, to the big picture, the...

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