Stine Momo Agerbæk

Stine Momo Agerbæk

Copenhagen Website X/Twitter

Once upon a time I was a 14 year old girl dreaming of winning LBL, despite the women's version being decades away still. So when that didn't pan out, I became a DJ and pop-culture academic instead...

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Giro Bulletin: Thu 18 May

All the latest action from stage 12 of the Giro, a look ahead to stage 13, and features including Italian history, tracks for the playlist, and some much-needed light relief from the peloton.

Giro Bulletin: Tue 16 May

Welcome back! Did you miss us? Rest day went far too quickly, yet somehow so much happened since the last bulletin, I don't feel as though I can jump into today's action until we've dealt with some of the fall-out. So I give you:...

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