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Week-Long Stage Races: Goldilocks Bike Racing

Think back through some of the highlights of the 2021 cycling season and you’ll inevitably find yourself focusing on classic one day races such as the Monuments or World Championships and their all-or-nothing full-gas bids for glory; or at the other end of the spectrum, the three Grand Tours...

11 riders who stole our hearts in 2021

For the first in a series of pieces reviewing the 2021 season, I’m considering some of the riders who won hearts and minds this year. Be it from their full gas riding, their sparkling personalities or their memorable victories, there are a few shining stars who have won a...

Two Weekends, A Lifetime of Stories

This weekend, after a year and a half of waiting, I finally said goodbye to my Dad. He died in April 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic (not from covid, I might add) and it’s taken this long for us to able to gather the family and friends...

WC Mens’ Road Race: 5 Storylines

The infinite ways in which a road race can play out almost always coalesce into something cycling fans recognise – a predictable outcome even where the variables (the riders, the parcours, dogs off their leads) are unpredictable. It can be as binary as the breakaway vs the pack; a sprint vs...

AJ Bell Tour of Britain: The Second Half

As my summation of the first four stages of the AJ Bell Tour of Britain consisted, quite predictably, of race reports, it might come as something of a surprise to read the second half, which sadly, will consist of relatively little in the way of cold, hard facts. There are...

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