Katy Madgwick

Katy Madgwick

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK X/Twitter

Writing about cycling - the stories, the facts, the opinions, the interviews, the silly poems, the movie comparisons. You name it, if it's about bike racing, I'm stringing sentences together about it.

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The Big Review: Giro d’Italia 2022

Or: all the things I wish to remember from this year’s Corsa Rosa And so here we are, dearest word-consumers, about to find ourselves in ACTUAL JULY. One Grand Tour safely stashed in our 2022-shaped back pockets, with all the action, drama and memorable moments that come along with...

Good Omens

It’s fair to say that Team Jumbo Visma are a team who struggle with luck at the best of times. After a week and a bit replete with mishaps at the 105th Giro d’Italia, a dismal outcome for the Dutch team was widely predicted. Jumbo Visma are the...

Giro d’Italia – A Preview in Top 5’s

It’s been a year since I kicked off this website with my underdog preview of the 2021 Giro d’Italia so it feels quite poignant to be here, about to encounter the first and arguably most beautiful of the Grand Tours, once again. The Giro d’Italia garners the...

The 12 Best Riders who DIDN’T win a Spring Classic

It’s hard to believe that spring Classics season is already at an end. It seems mere moments ago that we were counting down to Omloop, impatient for the season ‘proper’ to begin, and yet here we are, already looking back on a monumental couple of months of racing, and...

The Big Review: Feb-Mar 22

It’s almost impossible to imagine that for the casual viewer of cycling, the season has barely begun. We’re still over a month out from our first Grand Tour, and with only one Monument under our belts (two by the time of publication), it might seem as if not...

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