Katy Madgwick

Katy Madgwick

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK X/Twitter

Writing about cycling - the stories, the facts, the opinions, the interviews, the silly poems, the movie comparisons. You name it, if it's about bike racing, I'm stringing sentences together about it.

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7 things we learned: 10-15 Feb 2022 Edition

I joked last week about the cycling community over-reacting to early season results, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes. After all, what else do we have to go on, in terms of extrapolating how the bigger races might unfold, that’s more relevant than...

’22 Preview: Chapter 4 – The Pack (2): The Opportunists

Our pack may not be top of the list of favourites for every race they are involved in, but they are up there fighting, and have plenty of opportunities to take big wins. The previous chapter looked at those teams who are challenging the top dogs for supremacy. This piece...

Fayetteville 2022: Cyclocross World Championships Preview

Following a thrilling 2021/2022 cyclocross winter, the season culminates this weekend for the ultimate showdown: the World Championships. The competition will be held outside of Europe for the first time since 2013 in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and whilst recent headlines have focused largely on who won’t be there, the...

’22 Preview: Chapter 2 – Top Dogs (2)

In case you missed it: my last post introduced my new team preview series, in which I take a look at each of the men’s World Tour teams (and a select few Pro teams), their performance in 2021, their comings and goings, and their goals for 2022. Because let’...

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