Freelance cycling writer, broadcaster and content creator

I adore the multi-faceted stories that the sport of pro cycling has to offer. It fires my imagination in a way that no other sport ever has, and I channel that energy into my creative practice.
I am a freelance writer, and have produced a range of pieces for a number of publications, both in print and digitally - you can read my work by clicking through to my portfolio. I have written profiles, interviews, live text, race reports, previews, opinion pieces and more. I have also been an annual contributor to the Road Book Cycling Almanack since 2022. I also appear occasionally on BBC Radio to discuss cycling, and am one of the hosts of the On Yer Bike podcast.
This website is dedicated to providing innovative, engaging and creative content relating to the sport of pro cycling, on and off the road, and on the track. It will feature a range of creators, and is particularly focused on showcasing new voices in the cycling media sphere, especially female voices, as well as engaging fans of the sport in an inclusive and diverse community.
If you enjoy the site, please sign up to receive updates whenever I produce new content, or consider membership to receive a range of discounts for relevant brands as well as the chance to become part of the writebikerepeat community.
Happy reading.