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RACE-OFF: 2023 Cobbled Classics Edition

Images: Justin Britton I’d like to welcome you to a new occasional feature, which will pit a group of writers from the team against one another as they argue over which race was the best within a given category. Over the course of the season we will have SERIOUS...

Femmes in Hell: the least expected day

Images: Justin Britton It’s sometimes hard to believe that Paris-Roubaix Femmes is just three years old. The racing is so epic and the stories it produces so many and varied that each edition of the race feels like several days’ worth of action. The first two editions saw victories...

The 12 Best Riders who DIDN’T win a Spring Classic

It’s hard to believe that spring Classics season is already at an end. It seems mere moments ago that we were counting down to Omloop, impatient for the season ‘proper’ to begin, and yet here we are, already looking back on a monumental couple of months of racing, and...

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